About US image

You are at the heart of everything we do, we are committed to ensuring you have choice and control over the services you want within the centre & community.
We will support and develop your skills, your independence and self-confidence to help you to the next step, this could be into a workplace or volunteering - your goal.
The spotlight is on your aspirations and what is important to you to have a full and an amazing life, we feel this focuses on achieving your outcomes rather than addressing a list of needs.
We continuously review you and ourselves and if it doesn't make you happy or better now or in the near future then we don't do it.
We are passionate that everyone is respected and make their own decisions, we believe that everyone has their own voice and deserves the right to choose.

Be Yourself, Always - NO Exceptions.

We would like to invite you to spend a day with us, just give us a ring or use the contact page - please come down and say hello.